Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I found a moment to breath.

Last night after I finally got the 6 year old all tucked in bed, said prayers, and left him with his book I headed downstairs. I walked by my bathroom door and stopped for a moment as I caught out of the corner of my eye the remains of some serious battles in my bathtub. It looked as though Batman took a beating from Puss'n Boots, Spiderman was attacked by T-Rex and I believe that the Green Lantern was the winner of a Nascar race of sorts. The Rescue Heroes were there in force to help out but all in all I would say that there were more good guys that bad, and plenty of getaway cars and those poor "prehistoric" creatures never could have fit in them anyway. So looks to me like a good time was had by all, especially my  innocent little boy.

I stood and looked at all of this in my giant tub and air filled my lungs, and peace filled my soul and for a moment I breathed happiness and contentment. In my 19+ years of being a Mom, I have found nothing sweeter than finding the shower floor filled with My Little Ponies, Barbie Dolls or Action Figures. I have knocked plastic airplanes out of the corner of the shower stall to find a place for MY shampoo. Yes, I have even gone to take a quiet bubble bath all alone, only to have to share it with a one eyed "Mr. Potato Head" who decided to roll in from the side of the tub. I love every bit of this. These moments go away far too quickly. We blink and they are gone. 

If you asked ME, what I wanted to do when I grew up I would tell you..."I wanted to be a Mommy". There is nothing that has or will ever change that. Whether it is the joys of bathtub toys or heartaches, I will take every bit of it. 

1 comment:

  1. (I'm not sure why this didn't post the 1st time)
    Amy, I totally agree. I've done everything from being on the stock crew in grocery store to being a crisis intake worker and there is absolutely nothing better than being a Mom. Erma was right when she said it is the world's oldest profession offered only by God.
    Love you always, Judy
